So today i am going to get up on my soapbox and introduce this design a little bit.
There is this saying going around which a lot of people love to quote. It goes like this, "Be the change you want to see in the world." For some reason, this quote never appealed to me. In fact, I feel disdain towards it. I'm not exactly sure why. I believe it has something to do with the liberality of its intimations. To help expound on my feelings I created this visual design to explain how I feel. You'll see Hitler and Stalin on there with symbolisms of their respective movements. Each of them were the change they wanted to see in the world. So you see? That phrase, though it can be inspiring, can also mean "Whatever it is that you want the world to be like, do it and change it." It has not connotations associated with it as to doing the right thing or doing the wrong thing.
Of course, I will admit that maybe I'm completely off base. You be the judge.
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